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Get In Alignment With Your Goals


Despite being economically disadvantaged, we should never allow ourselves to become conditioned to a poverty mindset. According to Michelle Obama's book "Becoming" she comes from humble beginnings. She lived in affordable housing and used to have to purchase cigarettes for her mother from the neighborhood gas station. Michelle rarely associated with the neighborhood kids who played outside after school and faced racial and gender discrimination throughout her career. Despite the challenges she faced, she didn't allow them to shape who she would become. Instead, she persevered and broke barriers, overcame adversities and made a positive impact all around the world. I found inspiration in her ability to become a high powered attorney while facing racial prejudice, a vice president at a hospital and a director of a non-profit organization.

At times that's what we must do; look for inspiration. Don't ever view yourself as being incapable of achieving your goals just because you may not be socially advantaged or economically privileged. You can rise above mediocrity if you set attainable goals and work towards achieving them. We have to look passed inadequacy, see beyond our obstacles and get locked in with OUR dreams. But sometimes, we are stumbled along the way. Whether it be by a relationship, friendships, family members or a lack of self confidence, we have to remain focused on where we truly want to be and we must be willing to let go of what we do not want, despite how that may look to others or the sacrifices we may have to make.

Decline can be a hard thing to measure. And sometimes it's the closest people to us that can hinder our growth. Projection is a real thing and we have to stay away from people who project their limited belief systems and opinions on to us. The good news is we do not have to conform to other peoples opinions. Therefore. we must stop associating with people that do not support us or believe in our ability to achieve our goals. Getting comfortable being uncomfortable, transforming our lives, our circle, and our mindset, is key to the manifestation of our dreams. If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten. In order to succeed we must first believe that we can achieve. If we don't believe in ourselves we can't expect others to believe in us either.

Manifest NOW. Attend workshops, business seminars, book clubs or take a literacy course. Do research on the things you need to do and learn in order to accomplish what you're trying to accomplish. Get away from the energy vampires and meet new people. Start surrounding yourself with people who are on the same mission as you. Network with people you can learn from, go places where you can find people who have the same goals and interests as you. Manifest the things that you want in your life by thoughts and deeds. Take action, move on, let go, and have faith that there is something better in store for you. Focus on the prize because what you focus on expands. And you never know how God is going to help you if you don't take the first step which is a leap of FAITH. (The assurance of things that are hoped for and the expectation of things that are unseen.)

Lastly, we must pay attention to our energy. If you feel drained doing a certain thing or being around a certain person, that's a sign that you are not in alignment with your journey or your goals or where you want to be or what you want to do. Get in alignment with what feels good to you soul and allow yourself to evolve. You can't become who you want to be by remaining who you are. Face your fears, reject thoughts of doubt and recreate yourself. Rock bottom is the best place to rebuild because the only place we can go from there is UP. So stop worrying about what people think, stop living your life based on other peoples opinions, be your own man/woman and do what you have to do to be where you want to be.

And remember, You Are Enough!


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